发表于 17-2-2008 08:31:00|来自:新加坡
<h2 class="contenth"><font color="#c43c3c">Self-harm theories</font></h2><p><font color="#c43c3c" size="5">A lot of people say they start self-harming behaviour in childhood, disguising scratches and bumps as accidents and progressing to more systematic cutting and burning in adolescence. </font></p><p><font color="#c43c3c" size="5">There are different theories as to why people self-mutilate. One is that because victims of childhood sexual abuse were forbidden to reveal the truth about their abuse, they use self-mutilation or self-cutting to express the horror of their abuse to the world. </font></p><p><font color="#c43c3c" size="5">Another theory is that sexual abuse in early childhood leads to extremely low self-esteem. If very low self-esteem develops, self-harm as an expression of self-hatred is understandable. </font></p><p><font color="#c43c3c" size="5">One research finding is that self-harmers tend to grow up in an 'invalidating environment' - one where the communication of private experiences is met with unreliable, inappropriate or extreme responses. As a result, expressing private experiences is trivialised or punished.</font></p><p><font color="#c43c3c" size="5">The problem with these theories is that (in the case of the sexual abuse theory, for example) not everyone who's been sexually abused starts to self-harm, and not everyone who self-harms has been sexually abused. </font></p><p><font color="#c43c3c" size="5">Another theory is that self-cutting triggers release of the body's natural opiate-like chemicals to reduce the pain. Perhaps self-cutters have become addicted to their body's heroin-like reaction to cutting, which is why they do it again and again. They may also experience withdrawal if they haven't done it for a while. </font></p><p><font color="#c43c3c" size="5">Drugs used to treat heroin addicts may behelpful with self-cutters, but mostly for those who describe a 'high' after they've cut themselves.</font></p><p><font color="#c43c3c" size="5">Another theory, which inpatient units often use, is based on the psychological principle that all behaviour has consequences that are somehow rewarding. Cutting usually leads to a sequence of behaviour - increased attention, for example - that may become the rewarding reason to repeat the behaviour.</font></p><p><font color="#c43c3c" size="5">Staff in specialist units are specially trained to ensure that no consequences follow from an episode of cutting that could be rewarding. Instead, when the patient stops cutting themselves they're rewarded with increased attention from staff. </font></p> |