[BR]We specialized in selling brand footwear fashion (Apparel), handbags, hats, glasses, etc at greatly discount prices. We have teamed up with many footwear fashion (Apparel) handbags factories in China . So you will spend the lowest prices to get high quality and excellent designed footwear, fashion, handbags, glasses, and so on. We can also supply other products which can not be found on our website:www.shoestrade88.com
[BR]We are now looking for partners to help us to distribute our products .If you are interested in it ,please don’t hesitate to contact us .We hope to establish a mutual trust and benefit and long-term business relationship with you .
[BR]Our web: www.shoestrade88.com
[BR]MSN: [email protected]
[BR]E-mail:[email protected]
[BR] |