<br><br>hellopussy你好,谢谢你的回答,真的很感谢你.我把同样的问题也发给了新加坡教育部.以下是他们的回答: <br> <br>
<br>We refer to your email regarding your interest to join the Singapore education system.
<br>1. Please submit whatever qualifications that you have together with the application form.
<br>2. You may submit transcript / mark sheet for your highest qualification only.
<br>3. Work proof is issued by the school. If this is not convenience, the proof of working experience can be provided after you have been successful after the interview.
<br>4. If your documents are all in Chinese, we would need you to translate them into english and have it notarized. You may notarized your qualification, your graduated certificate, teaching qualification and your birth certificate.
<br>5. Kindly leave the GCE examination blank.
<br>6. Yes, you would need to fill in this portion and provide a copy of your teaching qualification too.
<br>7. If you have a bachelor degree, please fill it in, otherwise, please leave it blank.Hope I have answer to your queries. Looking forward to receive your application form soon.Thank youBest Regards, <br> <br>
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-8-27 10:24:31编辑过] |