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[职场] [求助]申请过moe教师的老师们进来帮忙好么?

发表于 25-8-2008 22:12:00|来自:天津 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
[BR]最近想申请新加坡MOE的TEACHER-TRAINING QUALIFICATION 的教师。但表格中有些问题有疑问,所以想在这里咨询一下大家啊,帮个忙好么?
[BR]1.academic qualifications (including degree scrolls)提供我的大学本科毕业证就好了,在我的中学,中专,大专的毕业证还需要提供么?我的普通话资格证,教师资格证,一些获奖的证书还需要提供么?
[BR]2.transcripts/mark sheets of each year’s results 提供我每年的学习成绩表么?提供我哪个学历段的成绩表呢?还是要提供,中学,中专,大专,本科。依次提供?
[BR]3.testimonials/documentary proof of working experience(s)工作经验证明,是由我的学校来为我写还是我自己来写?需要学校领导签字,盖章么?
[BR]4.  For foreign qualifications, DETAILED DESCRIPTIONS of the course taken must be submitted.  If documents submitted are in other languages, a notarised English translation must accompany the original text.  这句话我翻译不好,请详细详细详细具体帮我解释一下是什么意思?需要提供什么么?这个notarised的含义是哪些文件需要公证?
[BR]6.  DETAILS OF TEACHER TRAINING QUALIFICATIONS(Applicable only if basic degree is not a teaching qualification)我在中国取得了教师资格证,这个需要我填写么?

[BR]7.DETAILS OF BACHELOR DEGREE OR EQUIVALENT (if applicable)我是本科毕业但没有获得学士学位证书。这个可以填写么?
发表于 26-8-2008 20:09:00|来自:天津 | 显示全部楼层
<p>最近想申请新加坡MOE的TEACHER-TRAINING QUALIFICATION 的教师。但表格中有些问题有疑问,所以想在这里咨询一下大家啊,帮个忙好么? <font color="#0000ff">???你应该申请TRAINED TEACHER吧?<br/></font>1.academic qualifications (including degree scrolls)提供我的大学本科毕业证就好了,在我的中学,中专,大专的毕业证还需要提供么?我的普通话资格证,教师资格证,一些获奖的证书还需要提供么? <font color="#0000ff">有什么给什么,而且同时提供翻译件,公证书.普通话资格证,教师资格证,一些获奖的证书当然要,增加机会呀......也要公证.</font><br/>&nbsp; <br/>2.transcripts/mark sheets of each year’s results 提供我每年的学习成绩表么?提供我哪个学历段的成绩表呢?还是要提供,中学,中专,大专,本科。依次提供? <font color="#0000ff">有什么给什么</font>,<font color="#0000ff">大学的一定要给,加学校的翻译件,没有,就公证.<u><strong>初中,中学</strong></u>,(中专,大专,)我的在面试时,还是要提交的,人在中国,赶紧准备好.<br/></font>&nbsp; <br/>3.testimonials/documentary proof of working experience(s)工作经验证明,是由我的学校来为我写还是我自己来写?需要学校领导签字,盖章么? <font color="#0000ff">我用的是公证.<br/></font>&nbsp; <br/>4.&nbsp;<b> For foreign qualifications, DETAILED DESCRIPTIONS of the course taken must be submitted.&nbsp; If documents submitted are in other languages, a notarised English translation must accompany the original text.&nbsp;</b> 这句话我翻译不好,请详细详细详细具体帮我解释一下是什么意思?需要提供什么么?这个notarised的含义是哪些文件需要公证? <font color="#0000ff">我的是大学四年的成绩单,和有学校钢印的翻译件.<br/></font>&nbsp; <br/>5.&nbsp; DETAILED RESULTS OF GCE ‘O’ LEVEL OR EQUIVALENT EXAMINATION/&nbsp; DETAILED RESULTS OF GCE ‘A’ LEVEL OR EQUIVALENT EXAMINATION 我在中国的教育经历是初中3年,中专3年,大专2年,本科2年毕业。这两个表格到底需要不需要填写呢?如要填写的话填写什么内容呢? <font color="#0000ff">能拿得出来,就写吧,我当时没写,后来补交.<br/></font>&nbsp; <br/>6.&nbsp; DETAILS OF TEACHER TRAINING QUALIFICATIONS(Applicable only if basic degree is not a teaching qualification)我在中国取得了教师资格证,这个需要我填写么? <font color="#0000ff">如果申请TRAINED,应该要填吧?这个,没错么?感觉怪怪的.</font><br/><br/>&nbsp; <br/>7.DETAILS OF BACHELOR DEGREE OR EQUIVALENT (if applicable)我是本科毕业但没有获得学士学位证书。这个可以填写么? <font color="#0000ff">没有证书,别填.</font></p>
<p><font color="#0000ff"></font>&nbsp;</p>
<p><font color="#0000ff">一点建议而已,仅供参考.</font></p>
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发表于 27-8-2008 10:18:00|来自:天津 | 显示全部楼层
<br><br>hellopussy你好,谢谢你的回答,真的很感谢你.我把同样的问题也发给了新加坡教育部.以下是他们的回答: <br>&nbsp; <br>
<br>We refer to your email regarding your interest to join the Singapore education system.
<br>1. Please submit whatever qualifications that you have together with the application form.
<br>2. You may submit transcript / mark sheet for your highest qualification only.
<br>3. Work proof is issued by the school. If this is not convenience, the proof of working experience can be provided after you have been successful after the interview.
<br>4. If your documents are all in Chinese, we would need you to translate them into english and have it notarized. You may notarized your qualification, your graduated certificate, teaching qualification and your birth certificate.
<br>5. Kindly leave the GCE examination blank.
<br>6. Yes, you would need to fill in this portion and provide a copy of your teaching qualification too.
<br>7. If you have a bachelor degree, please fill it in, otherwise, please leave it blank.Hope I have answer to your queries. Looking forward to receive your application form soon.Thank youBest Regards, <br>&nbsp; <br>
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-8-27 10:24:31编辑过]
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使用道具 举报

发表于 27-8-2008 18:47:00|来自:天津 | 显示全部楼层
<p>We refer to your email regarding your interest to join the Singapore education system. <br/>1. Please submit whatever qualifications that you have together with the application form.&nbsp;<br/>&nbsp; <font color="#0000ff">有什么证书都给吧,同时也要交申请表格.</font><br/>2. You may submit transcript / mark sheet for your highest qualification only. <br/>&nbsp; <font color="#0000ff">可以只交最高学历的成绩单/册<br/></font>3. Work proof is issued by the school. If this is not convenience, the proof of working experience can be provided after you have been successful after the interview. <br/>&nbsp; <font color="#0000ff">学校的工作证明应由学校提供,如不方便,可在申请成功后提交.<br/></font>4. If your documents are all in Chinese, we would need you to translate them into english and have it notarized. You may notarized your qualification, your graduated certificate, teaching qualification and your birth certificate. <br/>&nbsp; <font color="#0000ff">如你的文件是中文的,需要英文翻译件并加以公证.需要公证的文件有:普通话资格证,教师资格证,毕业证书和出生证.<br/></font>5. Kindly leave the GCE examination blank. <br/>&nbsp; <font color="#0000ff">GCE成绩不必填写<br/></font>6. Yes, you would need to fill in this portion and provide a copy of your teaching qualification too.&nbsp;<br/>&nbsp; <font color="#0000ff">这部分需要填写并附上教师资格证的复印件<br/></font>7. If you have a bachelor degree, please fill it in, otherwise, please leave it blank.Hope I have answer to your queries. Looking forward to receive your application form soon.Thank youBest Regards, <br/><font color="#0000ff">如果有学士学位,请填此表格,否则则不需要</font>.</p>
<p><font color="#0000ff">翻译得不一定准确,仅供参考!</font></p>
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使用道具 举报

发表于 27-8-2008 22:49:00|来自:天津 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 27-8-2008 22:25:00|来自:天津 | 显示全部楼层
[BR]&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 你好,看完你帮我翻译的资料。先谢谢你啦!
[BR]&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 那么新加坡教育部官方的回答,只有普通话资格证,教师资格证,毕业证书和出生证这四个证件需要法律公正了吧?其它的像学习成绩单/册、,工作经验证明都不需要公证吧?
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使用道具 举报

发表于 28-8-2008 14:26:00|来自:天津 | 显示全部楼层
<p>&nbsp;You may submit transcript / mark sheet for your highest qualification only. 已经换了?! 以前是像<font face="Verdana" color="#61b713"><strong>hellopussy</strong><font color="#000000">所说的什么都要交的呢。。。。</font></font></p>
<p><font face="Verdana" color="#61b713"><font color="#000000">看来教育部他们是看累了,选择看少一点。。。。</font></font></p>
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使用道具 举报

发表于 28-8-2008 15:36:00|来自:天津 | 显示全部楼层
[BR]呵呵,再问一句啊,&nbsp;For foreign qualifications, DETAILED DESCRIPTIONS of the course taken must be submitted.&nbsp; If documents submitted are in other languages, a notarised English translation must accompany the original text 中的course.是不是我要自己写一份我在学期间的课程描情况么? course我翻译的是课程的意识?对么?
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使用道具 举报

发表于 28-8-2008 17:08:00|来自:天津 | 显示全部楼层
<p>新加坡教育部官方的回答,只有普通话资格证,教师资格证,毕业证书和出生证这四个证件需要法律公正了吧?其它的像学习成绩单/册、,工作经验证明都不需要公证吧? </p>
<p><font color="#0000ff">我的成绩单/册是中,英文双语的,全部是学校的原件加复印件,没有公证,工作经验证明我的需要公证,你已经准备请学校提供了么?记得要翻译,并且盖上学校的印章.</font></p>
<p><font color="#0000ff"></font>&nbsp;</p>
<p><font color="#000000">For foreign qualifications, DETAILED DESCRIPTIONS of the course taken must be submitted.&nbsp; If documents submitted are in other languages, a notarised English translation must accompany the original text. </font></p>
<p><font color="#0000ff">我的成绩单/册是中,英文双语的,他们可能懂吧,没作要求.</font></p>
<p><font color="#0000ff"></font>&nbsp;</p>
<p><font color="#0000ff">个人意见: 如果你现在人在国内,想在新久住的话,还是把所有能找到的证书,文件......找齐,公证好,谁知道以后申请EP,PR......会需要什么东东.</font></p>
<p><font color="#0000ff"></font>&nbsp;</p>
<p>感谢helllopussy的翻译解答。真是可以说是无私奉献的好人! </p>
<p><font color="#0000ff">哈哈,我不是你说的那种好人,正在磨刀,准备在你成功以后,狠宰一刀呢......[em114]</font></p>
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使用道具 举报

发表于 28-8-2008 21:13:00|来自:天津 | 显示全部楼层
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