<br>有着落, 我们正在跟Han Travel的人谈,可以是带空调的上下辅,可以是带风扇的标准间。 <br> <br>> > You have not mention the type of accommodation so it is hard for us to give you the price. If it is the air cond hostel dorm sharing (4 double deckers/dorm), it will be at Rm320/person. If it is the twin sharing fan room, it is at Rm375/person. With the air cond room/twin sharing basis, it is at Rm400/person. <br> <br>价格好象有点贵,我会再研究研究。 <br>一般来说本着经济适用的DIY原则,我们去KK的时候是住25块一晚的上下铺,去金山时是住48块一晚的标准间。 <br> <br>基本上来说去Taman Negara有两个代理,源自同一家族,Han热情一点,NKS比较冷淡。 <br>
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-11-11 0:23:40编辑过] |