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楼主: Hostile_to_a

[原创] 让人无语的新加坡生活

发表于 7-11-2011 12:59:12|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
trespasser 发表于 8-10-2011 13:59
LZ,朱熔基的儿子在美国有80亿美金,那还是好几年前的事情,现在不知道增值还是贬值了~国内有报道吗?像你 ...

  我告诉你  不是我认为老人是废物 ,是新加坡认为老人是废物!!!老人是要尊重的,年轻的时候已经付出很多了,老的时候应该是国家来养 了!还要自己养自己,什么道理,他们那些老政客 怎么不上班啊!草什么道理.别忘记那些老人是新加坡的建设者,你觉得新加坡好,你死在这里就好了,别[关键词屏蔽]的回中国,贱人一个!有多远给我滚多远。 吃里扒外的东西,别和别人说你是中国人,丢咱中国人的脸 !!!!


haha... what reputation does China still have to lose after all the multiple integrity scandals? By the way, your posting is bordering on controversy.  详情 回复 发表于 7-11-2011 14:14
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发表于 7-11-2011 13:13:26|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
SG_lion 发表于 12-10-2011 14:31
新加坡是一个国际社会。开国大臣和许多60年代的知识份子大多数来自英国教育系统。由于法律和资源的关系,李 ...

不用你告诉我  我的历史比你好  我知道的比你多   OK??   你知道  李光耀  当初是怎么对待 中国来南洋的中国人的吗?    中国来新加坡的渔船  你知道是什么待遇吗?   他只不过是出生在一个好的年代而已 ,,,有什么值得骄傲的!!!我一点都不认为他 有什么牛逼的东西。。。屁大点的地方  换成你 我相信你也有这样的能力管好,,别和中国一概而论。。。。。。中国是独一无二的。。新加坡根本没法比的,知道吗???我不怎么喜欢和没爱国情操,没爱国热情的人交谈!!就这样吧


haha... What's with the inferiority complex?  详情 回复 发表于 7-11-2011 13:50
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发表于 7-11-2011 13:32:59|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 7-11-2011 14:26:46|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
原来我不帅ゞ 发表于 7-11-2011 13:32
一种生活一种心情,顺其自然吧,在国内也不见得笑的出来,时间久了我喜欢这种宁静。 ...

In a way, I do agree to your statement.

I have met those Chinese who are contented with life here in Singapore. Grown to appreciate the peace and stability here so much that they continue to extend their employment contract willingly to secure their residency in Singapore. There are also those who work in MNCs showing great potential to be rooted here as new citizens. And of course, those who cannot find what they want, or I would rather say those who 'cannot make it'. And these people all have a comon trait; they blame everyone for their incompetency except for themselves.

Some basic survival tips to share. In singapore, you don't work the Chinese way. Desipte the liberty, you still have to exercise prudence in speech. Always consult your intelligence, conscience and of course your common sense before you point your fingers. We have seen numberous Chinese getting into trouble for their reckless folly.

I find that life in singapore may not be perfect but nonetheless safer, cleaner in literal sense and definately much much less corruption. And very importantly, I don't have to wait for the 19th person to come to my aid if I were to be lying on the streets in a pool of blood. (pun intended)
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发表于 7-11-2011 20:09:57|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
Hostile_to_a 发表于 7-11-2011 12:59
我告诉你  不是我认为老人是废物 ,是新加坡认为老人是废物!!!老人是要尊重的,年轻的时候已经付出 ...

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