发表于 29-8-2012 10:07:51|来自:新加坡
本帖最后由 张小五 于 29-8-2012 10:18 编辑
If you are using your CPF savings to pay your monthly instalments, you have to be insured under the Home Protection Scheme (HPS). This is a mortgage reducing insurance scheme administered by the CPF Board. Should the insured member become permanently incapacitated or die prematurely before age 65, the CPF Board will pay the outstanding housing loan based on the amount insured under the HPS. The premium payable will depend on your declared percentage of coverage, loan amount, age, gender, etc. This premium can be paid using your CPF savings or cash.
For more information on HPS, you can obtain an HPS booklet on your appointment day at HDB Hub or call CPF Board or visit the CPF Board's website. You may also calculate the HPS premium by keying in your SingPass (if you have applied for one) to access the e-service at the CPF website. 摘自HDB Website
大概的意思为如果你使用CPF的账户还贷款,就一定需要参加这个Home Protection Scheme,也就是住房贷款保险,同时保费也可以使用CPF储蓄或者现金偿还