leooel GEP的智商都高于140了,可以说是天才了,gifted 就是天才的意思嘛,高才那是谦虚说法了
其实,智商高于140的孩子很少很少,甚至在GEP班上也有很多孩子的智商只在120~140之间,何况智商的测量方法至今还有争论, 而且GEP的选拔考试和标准的智商测试还是有一定区别的。
Table 1 Difference between Bright Child and Gifted Learner Bright Child | Gifted Learner | Has good ideas. | Has wild, silly ideas. | Works hard. | Plays around, yet tests well. | Top group. | Beyond the group. | 6-8 repetitions for mastery. | 1-2 repetitions for mastery. | Enjoys peers. | Prefers adults. | Enjoys school. | Enjoys learning. | Enjoys straightforward, sequential presentation. | Thrives on complexity. | Is pleased with own learning. | Is highly self-critical. |