端午节(英文为Dragon Boat Festival或DoubleFifth Festival)又称为端阳节,为每年的农历5月初五日,是纪念屈原投汨罗江自尽的日子。据说,屈原投汨罗江后,当地百姓闻讯马上划船捞救,一直行至洞庭湖,始终不见屈原的尸体。那时,恰逢雨天,湖面上的小舟一起汇集在岸边的亭子旁。当人们得知是为了打捞贤臣屈大夫时,再次冒雨出动,争相划进茫茫的洞庭湖。一千年来,为了寄托哀思,人们荡舟江河之上,此后才逐渐发展成为龙舟竞赛。百姓们又怕江河里的鱼吃掉他的身体,就纷纷回家拿来米团投入江中,以免鱼虾糟蹋屈原的尸体,后来就成了吃粽子的习俗。
DragonBoat Festival or Double Fifth Festival is on 5th May of ChineseLunar Calendar. It is the festival to commemorate Qu Yuan, who drowned himselfin Miluo River. According to the folk legend, after knowing Qu Yuan jumped intothe river, the local people row boats to save him. They kept going along theriver until they reached the Dongting Lake, but Qu Yuan’s body was never found. Though itwas a rainy day, more and more people went into the lake to search for Qu Yuanafter they heard the message. For more than one thousand years, people rowingboats on the river and lakes to mourn Qu Yuan, which gradually became the DragonBoats Competition nowadays. People in the old days were afraid that fish mighteat Qu Yuan’s body, so they threw rice balls into the river to feed the fish,which were the predecessors of the Rice Dumplings we eat today.
In China, many festivals have their special seasonal food, Dragon BoatFestival is not an exception. The earliest festival food for Dragon Boat Festival was “Eagle Soup” in West Han Dynasty.Maybe it was quite difficult to catch eagles, the customs did not last long. Afew decades later in East Han Dynasty, Rice Dumplings appeared on people’sdining table, but not until Jin Dynasty, before Rice Dumplings became theseasonal food for Dragon Boat Festival. According to records, the word “ Duan Wu" was first seen in the book “Feng Tu Ji".
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