正月初七 祝您人日快乐。。。。
中国农历正月初七是中国传统习俗中的“人日”,也称“人胜节”、“人庆节”、“人口日”、“人七日”或“七元日”等。“人日”在中国至少有两千年以上的历史。传说,女娲造人时,前六天分别造出了鸡、狗、羊、猪、牛和马,第七日造出了人,因此,汉民族认为,正月初七是“人类的生日”。各省各地在人日当天,会以当地的习俗来欢庆这盛大的日子。流传至今,本地人会以“捞鱼生”的方式来庆贺“人日”,寓意“越捞越高,步步高升”。 According tothe Chinese customs, "Ren Ri" refers to the 7th day of a newyear in the Lunar Calendar. In Chinese legends,"Nüwa", the goddess who created the world, created 6 differentanimals (chicken, dog, goat, pig, cow and horse) on the first 6 days of theLunar Calendar and human beings on the 7th day. Therefore, theChinese known the 7th day as "Ren Ri", the birthday of allmankind. Customs in celebratingthe day vary from place to place. "RenRi" is not only celebrated in China, but also the other regionsaround the world among the Chinese communities. In Singapore, the Chinesefamilies will gather together and toss "Yu Sheng" to celebrate thisjoyous occasion. It is believed that the height of the toss reflects the height ofthe diner's growth in fortunes.