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楼主: 摘星1215


发表于 4-8-2004 15:21:30|来自:上海嘉定区 | 显示全部楼层
<B><FONT size=6>
<P align=center>STUDY PLAN</P></B></FONT><FONT size=2></FONT>

<P>Dear Sir/ Mdm:</P>
<P>First of all, I would like to express my deepest appreciation to you for spending time on reading my plan.</P>
<P>My name is xxx, a citizen of People Republic of China, I am 19 years old this year, I was born in 15<SUP>th</SUP> June, 1985. And I am currently taking diploma course at Shanghai Jianqiao colleauge.</P>
<P>Ever since the reformation of new economic system has been started few decades ago, china has been developing in a rapid pace, and the speed of this process will eventually even faster then before after China joined the WTO. Therefore, more contemporary skills and knowledge are required for the new generation in China. In order to catch up the fast pace of economic development, today, many parents from China have choose to send their children to study overseas. By doing this, new generation in China will not only able to find out more opportunities that available to them, but also will have better understanding of other counties’ culture.</P>
<P>After several discussion with my parents, I have made the decision that to pursue my further study in Singapore, as far as we concern, Singapore is not only a multi-nation and multi-culture country, but it has also a wonderful study environment. And if I am able to study under such great circumstance, my parents will eventually feel at ease and will not have to worry about me, especially to a girl. </P>
<P>I have submitted my application to study Hotel management course at AIT Academic. After certain research that I have done, I found out that this school has a experienced lecturers team, and contemporary teaching facilities. In the meanwhile, they are prestigious in Singapore as well, and I believe it is a great place for me to study. In order to complete my course, I will have to study the fundamental knowledge in campus for 8 months, and subsequently, I have to undergo 6 months’ attachment, and only then, I will be considered as complete my whole course and graduate from AIT Academic.</P>
<P>During my 14 months studies, I will try my very best to explore my potential capability, broaden my view and enrich my overall professional knowledge to confront the future challenges.</P>
<P>Both my parents have a stable income and we also have enough saving to sustain my study in Singapore. And I believe this stable financial situation will help me to concentrate on my study.</P>
<P>I hereby truly seek for your approval on my study application, and I am sincerely looking forward to treasure this overseas’ study opportunities, I will strictly follow the rules and regulation in Singapore and dedicate to my study. Upon finishing my study, I will apply all my professional knowledge to my career and devote myself to my hometown and my dearest country.</P>
<P>Best Regards</P>
<P>xxxxx </P>
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发表于 4-8-2004 15:25:31|来自:上海嘉定区 | 显示全部楼层
its better for you to give me another email account, so i can send to you with the perfect format.... please send a email to <a href="[email protected]" target="_blank" >[email protected]</A>, so that i can send it over to ya... and you contact me with this email account anytime.
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发表于 4-8-2004 13:30:38|来自:上海嘉定区 | 显示全部楼层
你的邮箱不对,发不过去, 有没有MSN? 我的MSN 是<a href="[email protected]" target="_blank" >[email protected]</A>. 我可以在网上传给你
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发表于 5-8-2004 01:10:59|来自:上海嘉定区 | 显示全部楼层
<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>mjflchiah</I>在2004-8-4 21:19:27的发言:</B>

<P>1) 租用一件房间,摆几张桌子,买几台电脑,聘请本地的作part time教师,就是一所大学。



<P>4)很多中国人借留学、配读的名义,到新加坡后去做另外<U><B><FONT color=#ff0000>“说不出口”</FONT></B></U>的事。前几日,就有一上海年轻女子,在芽笼(红灯区),同一50多岁的老男人在一起,被一轿车不幸撞死,让人感到有可怜、又可叹。



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发表于 5-8-2004 02:22:29|来自:上海嘉定区 | 显示全部楼层


<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>danhe</I>在2004-8-4 15:21:30的发言:</B><B><FONT size=6>
<P align=center>STUDY PLAN</P></B></FONT><FONT size=2></FONT>

<P>Dear Sir/ Mdm:</P>
<P>First of all, I would like to express my deepest appreciation to you for spending time on reading my plan.</P>
<P>My name is xxx, a citizen of <FONT color=#ff0000><B>People <FONT color=#0000ff>(People's)</FONT></B> </FONT><FONT color=#000000>Republic of China</FONT>, I am 19 years old this year, I was born in 15<SUP>th</SUP> June, 1985. And I am currently taking diploma course at Shanghai Jianqiao <B><FONT color=#0000ff>C</FONT></B>olleauge.</P>
<P>Ever since the reformation of <B><FONT color=#0000ff>the</FONT></B> new economic system <FONT color=#ff0000><B>has been</B></FONT> <B><FONT color=#0000ff>(which)</FONT></B> started few decades ago, china has been developing in a rapid pace, and the speed of this process will eventually <B><FONT color=#0000ff>be</FONT></B> even faster <B><FONT color=#ff0000>then</FONT></B> <FONT color=#0909f7><B>(than)</B></FONT> before after China joined the WTO. <B><FONT color=#0000ff><FONT color=#ff00cc>&lt;- 中国已经加入WTO,这句话应该用</FONT>"and this process is even faster after China joined the WTO.</FONT></B>Therefore, more contemporary skills and knowledge are required for the new generation in China. In order to catch up <B><FONT color=#0000ff>with</FONT></B> the fast pace of economic development, today, many parents <B><FONT color=#ff0000>from</FONT></B> <FONT color=#3300ff><B>(in)</B></FONT> China <B><FONT color=#ff0000>have choose to send their children to study overseas.</FONT></B> <B><FONT color=#0000ff>(send their children to study overseas.) </FONT></B>By doing this, <B><FONT color=#0000ff>the</FONT></B> new generation in China will <FONT color=#ff0000><B>not only</B></FONT> <B><FONT color=#0000ff>(be)</FONT></B> able to find <B><FONT color=#ff0000>out</FONT></B> more opportunities <B><FONT color=#ff0000>that</FONT></B> available to them, <B><FONT color=#ff0000>but also will</FONT></B> <B><FONT color=#0000ff>(at the same time)</FONT></B> have better understanding <B><FONT color=#ff0000>of </FONT><FONT color=#0000ff>(on)</FONT></B> other <B><FONT color=#ff0000>counties’</FONT><FONT color=#0000ff>(countries')</FONT></B> culture.</P>
<P>After several discussion<B><FONT color=#0000ff>s</FONT></B> with my parents, I <FONT color=#ff0000><B>have made the decision that <FONT color=#0000ff>(decided)</FONT></B></FONT> to pursue my further study in Singapore, as far as we concern, Singapore is not only a <FONT color=#ff0000><B>multi-nation <FONT color=#0000ff>(multi-religion)</FONT></B></FONT> and multi-culture country, but it has also a wonderful study environment. And if I am able to study under such great circumstance, my parents will eventually feel at ease and will not have to worry about me, <FONT color=#ff0000><B>especially to a girl. <FONT color=#0000ff>(</FONT><FONT color=#0000ff>建议加一个句子,没想好怎么改)</FONT></B></FONT> </P>
<P>I have submitted my application to study Hotel management course at AIT Academic. After certain research that I have done, I found out that this school has a experienced <FONT color=#ff0000><B>lecturers</B> </FONT><FONT color=#0000ff><B>(teaching)</B></FONT> team, and contemporary teaching facilities. <B><FONT color=#ff0000>In the</FONT></B> meanwhile, they are prestigious in Singapore as well, and I believe it is a great place for me to study. In order to complete my course, I will have to study the fundamental knowledge in campus for 8 months, and subsequently, I <B><FONT color=#0000ff>will</FONT></B> have to undergo 6 months’ attachment, and only <B><FONT color=#ff0000>then </FONT><FONT color=#0000ff>(after that)</FONT></B>, I will be considered as complete<B><FONT color=#0000ff>d</FONT></B> my whole course and graduate<B><FONT color=#0909f7>d</FONT></B> from AIT Academic.</P>
<P>During my 14 months <B><FONT color=#0000ff>(</FONT><FONT color=#0000ff>of study)</FONT></B> <B><FONT color=#ff0000>studies</FONT></B>, I will try my very best to explore my potential capability, broaden my view and enrich my overall professional knowledge to confront the future challenges.</P>
<P>Both my parents have a stable income and we also have enough saving to sustain my study in Singapore. And I believe this stable financial situation will <B><FONT color=#ff0000>help </FONT><FONT color=#0033ff>(allow)</FONT></B> me to concentrate on my study.</P>
<P>I hereby truly seek for your approval on my study application, and I <B><FONT color=#ff0000>am</FONT></B> <B><FONT color=#3300ff>(will)</FONT></B> sincerely <B><FONT color=#ff0000>looking forward to</FONT></B> treasure this overseas<B><FONT color=#ff0000>’ </FONT></B>study <B><FONT color=#ff0000>opportunities </FONT><FONT color=#0000ff>(opportunity)</FONT></B>, I will strictly follow the rules and regulation<B><FONT color=#0000ff>s</FONT></B> in Singapore and dedicate to my study. Upon finishing my study, I will apply all my professional knowledge to my career and devote myself to my hometown and my dearest country.</P>
<P>Best Regards</P>
<P>xxxxx </P></DIV>
<P><B><FONT color=#ff0000>红色</FONT></B> - 我认为不恰当或者有错误,应该删除
<B><FONT color=#0000ff>蓝色</FONT></B> - 我的意见



[此贴子已经被作者于2004-8-5 2:28:53编辑过]
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发表于 5-8-2004 03:17:08|来自:上海嘉定区 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 5-8-2004 10:20:16|来自:上海嘉定区 | 显示全部楼层

<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>GriGri</I>在2004-8-5 2:22:29的发言:</B>

<P><B><FONT color=#ff0000>红色</FONT></B> - 我认为不恰当或者有错误,应该删除
<B><FONT color=#0000ff>蓝色</FONT></B> - 我的意见




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发表于 5-8-2004 10:18:19|来自:上海嘉定区 | 显示全部楼层
<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>danhe</I>在2004-8-4 15:21:30的发言:</B>
<B><FONT size=6>
<P align=center>STUDY PLAN</P></B></FONT><FONT size=2></FONT>

<P>Dear Sir/ Mdm:</P>
<P>First of all, I would like to express my deepest appreciation to you for spending time on reading my plan.</P>
<P>My name is xxx, a citizen of People Republic of China, I am 19 years old this year, I was born in 15<SUP>th</SUP> June, 1985. And I am currently taking diploma course at Shanghai Jianqiao colleauge.</P>
<P>Ever since the reformation of new economic system has been started few decades ago, china has been developing in a rapid pace, and the speed of this process will eventually even faster then before after China joined the WTO. Therefore, more contemporary skills and knowledge are required for the new generation in China. In order to catch up the fast pace of economic development, today, many parents from China have choose to send their children to study overseas. By doing this, new generation in China will not only able to find out more opportunities that available to them, but also will have better understanding of other counties’ culture.</P>
<P>After several discussion with my parents, I have made the decision that to pursue my further study in Singapore, as far as we concern, Singapore is not only a multi-nation and multi-culture country, but it has also a wonderful study environment. And if I am able to study under such great circumstance, my parents will eventually feel at ease and will not have to worry about me, especially to a girl. </P>
<P>I have submitted my application to study Hotel management course at AIT Academic. After certain research that I have done, I found out that this school has a experienced lecturers team, and contemporary teaching facilities. In the meanwhile, they are prestigious in Singapore as well, and I believe it is a great place for me to study. In order to complete my course, I will have to study the fundamental knowledge in campus for 8 months, and subsequently, I have to undergo 6 months’ attachment, and only then, I will be considered as complete my whole course and graduate from AIT Academic.</P>
<P>During my 14 months studies, I will try my very best to explore my potential capability, broaden my view and enrich my overall professional knowledge to confront the future challenges.</P>
<P>Both my parents have a stable income and we also have enough saving to sustain my study in Singapore. And I believe this stable financial situation will help me to concentrate on my study.</P>
<P>I hereby truly seek for your approval on my study application, and I am sincerely looking forward to treasure this overseas’ study opportunities, I will strictly follow the rules and regulation in Singapore and dedicate to my study. Upon finishing my study, I will apply all my professional knowledge to my career and devote myself to my hometown and my dearest country.</P>
<P>Best Regards</P>
<P>xxxxx </P></DIV>

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发表于 5-8-2004 10:03:12|来自:上海嘉定区 | 显示全部楼层


<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>mjflchiah</I>在2004-8-4 21:19:27的发言:</B>

<P>1) 租用一件房间,摆几张桌子,买几台电脑,聘请本地的作part time教师,就是一所大学。



<P>4)很多中国人借留学、配读的名义,到新加坡后去做另外<U><B><FONT color=#ff0000>“说不出口”</FONT></B></U>的事。前几日,就有一上海年轻女子,在芽笼(红灯区),同一50多岁的老男人在一起,被一轿车不幸撞死,让人感到有可怜、又可叹。


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