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楼主: liming1388

[求助]越权做事 英语怎么说 谢谢

发表于 6-3-2005 22:43:17|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>yibo350</I>在2005-3-2 23:55:47的发言:</B>

<P>"不在其位  不谋其政" = "不越权做事"  let me take an example,  The Education Minister would not in charge of  work of The Finance Minister of a country. This person  would not use his authority or his power  to control or influence decisions of finance matters.

<P>字表面的意思是说 不在那个职位上, 不过问那个职位该负责的事情.

<P>就是指, 一个官员,或者是管理人员只想做自己份内的事情. 而别人的工作, 不想插手去管.

<P>Ah . . . , I get it now. So the 2 phrases are to be used together sequentially. Initially, I thought they were two seperate phrases. So would it be right to use it in the following way?
<P>(if this is not appropriate, could you please make a sentence to show me how it is used?)
<P>Thanks so much!
<P>Suggestion: "let me <U>give </U>an example"</P>
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发表于 9-3-2005 23:22:28|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>本地华人</I>在2005-3-6 22:43:17的发言:</B>

<P>Ah . . . , I get it now. So the 2 phrases are to be used together sequentially. Initially, I thought they were two seperate phrases. So would it be right to use it in the following way?


<P>(if this is not appropriate, could you please make a sentence to show me how it is used?)

<P>Thanks so much!

<P>Suggestion: "let me <U>give </U>an example"</P></DIV>
<P>是的, 这两个是连在一起使用的.
<P>我既<FONT color=#2248dd><U>然</U></FONT>不在其位,就不谋其政.

<P>有道是," 不在其位,不谋其政", 那么对于这件事我就不便插手去管了, 以免落个越权做事的"美名"
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-3-10 21:26:13编辑过]
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发表于 11-3-2005 11:49:04|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 13-3-2005 10:43:33|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
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