发表于 3-3-2006 10:02:00|来自:福建厦门
2.Rachel: Settle what? <BR>Chandler: The... Jamestown colony of Virginia. You see, King George is giving us the land, so... <BR>Jamestown —— a town, established in 1607, in the U.S. state of Virginia which was the first town built by English people who went to live in North America <BR><BR>3.Monica: Yeah, I know. He can get really competitive. <BR>Phoebe: Ha. Ha, ha. <BR>Monica: What? <BR>Phoebe: Oh, hello, kettle? This is Monica. You're black. ) <BR>最后一句的意思是“五十步笑百步。”摘录sogo做的详解如下: <BR>A:There's an old saying: "It's like the pot calling the kettle black." It was coined when most pots and pans were made of iron and, therefore, were, black. It means that you're accusing someone of something that really is reflective of you -- much like "It takes one to know one." <BR>Does that help?--From leeni <BR>详解:古语有云,"It's like the pot calling the kettle black."乌鸦笑猪黑,“罐子笑壶黑”,因为很多铁制炊具为黑色。意思是,你在嘲讽别人时,其实自己也一样,就好像说,"It takes one to know one", 彼此彼此。 <BR>这里rach先说ross让人难以忍受,mon附议说,他有时的确让人发疯;pheebs就讽刺她说,乌鸦笑猪黑,你还不是一样。 <BR><BR>4.It's gotta be like chips, or dip, or pretz.. <BR>是pretzel,这是两个音节的食物 <BR><BR>5.little playthings with yarn? 接ROSS的who makes me.. 能给你做小绒线玩具? <BR>ROSS看RACH走神,都忘了自己该说什么,CHAN就接了这么一句。 <BR><BR>6.Could you want her more? 你还能怎么想她? 意思是ROSS已经想追求RACH想得不行了。 <BR><BR> |