发表于 15-9-2006 18:48:00|来自:新加坡
楼上的<font face="Verdana" color="#61b713"><b>凯莱格兰</b></font>,我从来没”扁“过人,当然也不会”扁“你。<br/>也许楼上的这位对这里的生活和他人的态度早已经厌倦和麻木,我也是中国人,我当然会以维护中国人在这里的形象和尊严为己任,我也不希望这里的陪读妈妈受这么多的苦和难,更不想看到一些媒体的所谓的”贬低之词“,但我不明白你为什么把我牵扯到和当地媒体一道去了,看来你根本没有明白我写的本意。<br/><br/>再者,我是针对你对我的出言不逊想”贬“一下你的狂妄之词,认知的肤浅和人本身的尊严并没有直接的关系,可你怎么又把”贬“的对象扩大到”我们“--这个群体上去了呢,你是在故意转移话题,向让我和所有陪读妈妈为敌?!<br/><br/>I dun know why you are heartache. The fact is that it is nothing to do with me. The poster here is due to two reasons:<br/>  1). State the real lives of the mothers with thier student children to provide a reference material for the consulters who are going to make a decison whether or not it is worthy to come to singapore.<br/>  2). Provide help to solve the difficulties for the mothers who are in trouble.Whatever it is, they are already here, and big cost and cruel reality have let them know they may not have a back way. Therefore, they need more encouragement and concerns to live happily here instead of complaining everyday.<br/> |