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楼主: michael8330

[房产] 【房屋】免费咨询租房/买房/卖房/出租/房款等各种问题

发表于 31-8-2006 10:57:00|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 michael8330 于 4-1-2010 22:25 编辑

QUOTE:以下是引用 beginner 在2006-8-30 12:57:00的发言:
woodlands和Boonlay MRT附近的房子哪个更有升值潜力呢?
Boonlay附近有可能升值的potential:在建新地铁站,在建的大型shopping center等
Woodlands:Republic Poly和sports school估计会推动租房的价格,进而影响房价

singapore is a small country, once the whole market meltdown, all town will go down together, so jurong/sembawang/cck/and all the outskirt area is the same . the only place can see the different is the D09/D10 (orchard area), so if go up it will be the same also.
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发表于 31-8-2006 20:39:00|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
<div class="msgheader">QUOTE:</div><div class="msgborder"><b>以下是引用<i>michael8330</i>在2006-8-31 10:57:00的发言:</b><br/><p></p><p>singapore is a small country, once the whole market meltdown, all town will go down together, so jurong/sembawang/cck/and all the outskirt area is the same . the only place can see the different is the D09/D10 (orchard area), so if go up it will be the same also.</p><p></p></div><p>现在应该是看涨吧</p>
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发表于 31-8-2006 23:15:00|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 michael8330 于 4-1-2010 22:29 编辑

QUOTE: 以下是引用 fm_yy 在2006-8-31 20:39:00的发言:


i agree[em05]
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发表于 1-9-2006 17:51:00|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 3-9-2006 13:56:00|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 michael8330 于 4-1-2010 22:31 编辑

QUOTE: 以下是引用 edinburgh 在2006-9-1 17:51:00的发言:





kim tian, redhill , stranomore , clayomore, holland , lengkok bahru, still have new flat.

the price is high also.[em01]
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发表于 4-9-2006 11:47:00|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 michael8330 于 4-1-2010 23:27 编辑

QUOTE 以下是引用逍遥居士在2006-9-4 10:43:00的发言:


...... 谢谢[em07][em07]

1. i have done a few cases, where the PR is prepare not to come back to renew the PR , BUT they are still valid PR , and they sell before the PR expiry, and i never do anything after the PR expiry, so all it only can guess base on my 13 year experience, the gov. will take back the hse at postal value(which is a lot lower than the market value) and normally it will take back after 6 month that the PR had expiry (i think still can appeal) , to sell in open market will be more wise

2. normally below valuation 30k still able to accept, anything lower have to give reason,(for parent sell to son, can a lot lower , but to friend i am no to sure) guideline is not lower than the postal value which is the price the hdb sell to the first owner .(cause hdb also scare that if u sell low, and take money from the buyer after the transaction and try to save the stamp duty and other fee)
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发表于 4-9-2006 12:04:00|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
Noted, thanks a lot <strong><font face="Verdana" color="#61b713">michael8330</font></strong>
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发表于 4-9-2006 10:43:00|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
<p>请教:</p><p>1)已经购买了组屋的PR,贷款还清。回国数年后,没有再来新RENEW其PR,如此,屋子如何处理最好?政府会强迫售屋吗?何时?</p><p>2)若想以最低价格转让给朋友,是否可行?最低转让价有无限制?</p><p>...... 谢谢</p>[em07][em07]
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发表于 4-9-2006 20:35:00|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
<p>再请教一个比较复杂的问题:</p><p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 父母子女均是公民,爷爷奶奶均为PR。父母联名已购买了一套3房式组屋,屋子太小,爷爷奶奶准备自己另行购买一套3房式组屋,现在的问题是:</p><p>1)爷爷奶奶若无工作,可否申请贷款?</p><p>2)孙子(公民,但小于21岁)可否与爷爷或奶奶联名购屋,从而享受新公民优惠贷款利率?</p><p>3)若(2)的情况允许,是否也可购买新组屋?或购买靠近父母的市场上的组屋,享受某些优惠?</p><p>谢谢!</p><p>&nbsp;</p>[em07][em07]
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发表于 5-9-2006 11:22:00|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 michael8330 于 5-1-2010 22:08 编辑

QUOTE msgborder 以下是引用 逍遥居士在2006-9-4 20:35:00的发言:



1. bank loan, if no income , may able to get loan , provide that they can provide income like collect rental or not , no deal.
2. can include as occupiers but no 享受新公民优惠贷款利率.
3.. no.

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-9-5 11:23:24编辑过]

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