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发表于 25-2-2006 12:28:00|来自:福建厦门 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
<P><FONT face=幼圆 color=#6600ff size=5>^_^,关于friends的笔记很多啦,我在这里就贴自己的了。很多language points是I花了蛮长时间查的,辛苦啊。喜喜,想练好口语吗,只好多花点工夫了。废话少说,贴!</FONT></P>[em07][em07][em07]
发表于 25-2-2006 12:33:00|来自:福建厦门 | 显示全部楼层
<P>how did it go?<BR>进展如何<BR>it's just a slap in the face<BR>真是耻辱<BR>for your information<BR>跟你说吧,告诉你吧<BR>★★we make a pact<BR>说好了<BR>Phoebe, you're on<BR>phoebe,该你上场了<BR>★★speak up<BR>大点声<BR>break the pact<BR>毁约<BR>★★i think it has to do with...<BR>和...有关<BR>i said things i didn't mean<BR>我说了不该说的话<BR>★★nowhere near<BR>肯定不;离得远,差得远  But he is nowhere near as cool as you = 但是他怎样也赶不上你酷啊;I was nowhere near the place = 我根本就没上那儿去<BR>have a blast with sb<BR>blast在口语中则是指欢乐,或玩得愉快,很尽兴 have a blast with sb = have a good time with sb<BR>★★i figured ...<BR>= i think ...<BR>★★it isn't that big a deal<BR>那没什么大不了的<BR>we got the grant<BR>拿到了奖学金(出国留学的奖学金)<BR>make out with<BR>和bf or gf亲热<BR>catch up with you later<BR>待会见<BR>★★i'm not saying... but at least...<BR>不说...的,至少也要...的<BR>take our picture<BR>给我们照张相<BR>★★blow something up<BR>把事情搞砸了<BR>tear me apart<BR>让我很痛苦(作决定时左右为难)</P>
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发表于 25-2-2006 12:34:00|来自:福建厦门 | 显示全部楼层
<P>newstand<BR>报摊<BR>in a coma<BR>处于昏迷状态<BR>bend down<BR>弯下腰<BR>★★on the side<BR>作为兼职 he's a lawyer, who teaches sculpting on the side;<BR>The professor runs a restaurant on the side<BR>★★What is that all about?<BR>那是怎么一回事<BR>beam with pride/joy<BR>感到无比骄傲/高兴<BR>★★be intimate with sb<BR>和某人发生关系  Were you intimate with him?如果只翻译成“你和他很亲密吗?”是不够传神的, 这是在问“你们有没有发生关系?”<BR>★have a craving for sth<BR>= like or love very much  e.g i have a craving for chinese food.<BR>★★don't take this wrong<BR>别误解我的意思  don't take this wrong, i just...<BR>the high today is...<BR>今天最高温度是<BR>I am famished<BR>= i am starving<BR>Who's doing shots shot 就是小半杯酒,一饮而尽,港剧里常见,主人公心情不好就在酒吧,把某种shot往吧台上一震,然后喝进去 <BR>★★give it a shot<BR>尝试一下<BR>That’s a trick question <BR>诡计 (joey said: a question that's intended to mislead you) <BR>knockout<BR>超级美女<BR>sneak out<BR>偷偷地出去<BR>complex<BR>...情结   cinderella complex<BR>★★see you around<BR>再见<BR></P>
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发表于 25-2-2006 12:30:00|来自:福建厦门 | 显示全部楼层
<DIV>a nothing guy<BR>一无是处的家伙<BR>for the hell of it<BR>= just for fun<BR>did the windows, did the floors<BR>擦窗子,擦地板,都用do这个动词<BR>let's see what it looked like in the old spot<BR>在老地方是什么样的<BR>fan out the magazines<BR>翻开杂志<BR>double<BR>替身演员 stunt double 特技替身<BR>★★it's worth it<BR>这是值得的<BR>★★Let's roll it<BR>开始吧<BR>get my shot<BR>机会来了 shot = opportunity<BR>★★i blow it<BR>把它搞砸了</DIV>[em04][em01]
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发表于 25-2-2006 12:31:00|来自:福建厦门 | 显示全部楼层
<p>★★it's so that...<BR>这样我才能...(it's so that I can spend thanksgiving with my family)<BR>★★i hear what you're saying.<BR>我明白你的意思<BR>★★i'm with you<BR>我同意<BR>D.O.A.<BR>送到医院已经死亡(dead on arrival的首字母构成)<BR>★★i'll tell you about...<BR>这样吧...<BR>★★i'll work on it<BR>我会着手去做的<BR>every single one of them<BR>强调“每”一个<BR>★★make it to someplace<BR>去某个地方(are you thinking you're gonna make it to Vail?)<BR>★★i'm off to someplace<BR>我要去某个地方了 i'm off to Carol's<BR>★★i'm totally behind sth<BR>我完全支持...<BR>not even close<BR>还差的远呢<BR>★★chip in<BR>意思是凑钱买什么东西,或者是凑钱付大<BR>家一起吃饭的钱。比如大家一起出钱为某人买一件生日礼物:We all chipped in to buy Amy a birthday present. 如果要说每一人出了多少钱,可在chip in 后面直接跟上数目,如:52 people in the music industry each chipped in $300 apiece<BR>★★what is it with...<BR>...到底是怎么了?what is it with those chicks?<BR>what is it with you and John?<BR>★★remember sth vividly<BR>记忆犹新<BR>★★in the business<BR>在这一行<BR>★★get out<BR>少来=knock it off<BR>★★lay back<BR>放松<BR>v.d= venereal disease<BR>性病<BR>stand in the doorway<BR>站在门口<BR>★★all done<BR>大功告成 done 成交<BR>on a dare<BR>鼓起勇气<BR>★★Can you go any faster with that<BR>能不能快点<BR>it's burned<BR>(饭菜)胡了<BR>bust one's ass to do<BR>努力,费很大的劲<BR>★★by all means<BR>=of course
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发表于 25-2-2006 12:31:00|来自:福建厦门 | 显示全部楼层
<P>★★i don't believe any of that<BR>我才不信那一套<BR>★★i don't see why not<BR>当然可以<BR>★★it looks like fun<BR>看起来很有意思<BR>you'll make a day of it<BR>你会一天都玩的很开心<BR>★★set me up with sb<BR>安排和某人约会<BR>★★A is out of B's league<BR>B配不上A(league是指「联盟」,好比美国职棒的「大联盟」就是Major League。A be out of B's <BR>league.这句话的意思就是A的层级、能耐或是地位……都比B高出许多,非B所能及。若是使 <BR>用在男女关系上,就是指B配不上A,若是使用在一般分胜负的情况,就是指B比不上A)<BR>★★best feature<BR>长得最漂亮的地方<BR>★★doesn't matter to me<BR>我不介意的<BR>★★pick on<BR>挑剔 pick on every little detail<BR>what are you getting at?<BR>你在说什么</P>
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发表于 25-2-2006 12:30:00|来自:福建厦门 | 显示全部楼层
<DIV 22px; HEIGHT: 22px">
<DIV left"><IMG src=""></DIV><B></B></DIV>
<P>blackout<BR>停电: the entire city is blacked out!<BR>they have no idea when it's coming back on<BR>come back on 来电<BR>be stuck at<BR>被困在...<BR>★★put joey on the phone<BR>叫joey接电话<BR>★★that thought never entered my mind<BR>我没那个念头<BR>senior year of college<BR>大四的时候<BR>★★women's room<BR>女厕所<BR>make your move<BR>采取行动<BR>★★you're a dead man<BR>那你死定了<BR>you'd better act surprised<BR>你装作很惊讶的样子<BR>stop it<BR>别装葱了<BR>★★have a crush on sb<BR>对sb有意思<BR>be scared to death<BR>吓死了<BR>stick<BR>口香糖的一片 can i have a stick?<BR>you're choking<BR>你噎着了<BR>superficial<BR>浅薄的<BR>★★that's not where i was going<BR>我不是指那个,我不是那个意思<BR>burn out<BR>(蜡烛)燃尽</P></DIV>
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发表于 25-2-2006 12:35:00|来自:福建厦门 | 显示全部楼层
<P>be on the phone<BR>接电话    i was on the phone when she came in</P>
<P>★★be done with...<BR>做完了    i'm done with the yogurt 我把酸奶喝完了<BR>做完一件事情。 在口语中也说 be done with sth./doing something.  <BR>I am done with typing my homework paper 有时我的外国同事问我有没有干完手头的活也说,"Are you done?" <BR>同样,还有be through with结束;完成  Are you through with today's newspaper yet? 今天的报纸你看完了吗?</P>
<P>You kiss Uncle Freddie with that mouth?<BR>you eat with that mouth? 都是指别人在说脏话</P>
<P>push back to<BR>推迟到   Your 4:00 herbal massage has been pushed back to 4:30</P>
<P>★★that's really your decision<BR>= that's up to you</P>
<P>★★out of sorts<BR>心情不好,unhappy</P>
<P>★make a move on sb<BR>对sb动手动脚,对sb展开攻势 If you make a move on me, I'll throw  this drink in your face! 如果你对我毛手毛脚,我就将这杯饮料泼你脸上<BR>Why does it take such a long time for guys to make a move on a girl they know is a sure thing?</P>
<P>★★on one's way over<BR>马上就来</P>
<P>make a pass at sb<BR>挑逗sb,向sb调情</P>
<P>scoots her chair over to Rachel <BR>scoot: To move (a person or thing) to the side to make room:<BR>让开,挪开把(人或物)移到一边以让地儿:<BR>Scoot that chair over.<BR>把椅子弄开  </P>
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发表于 25-2-2006 12:36:00|来自:福建厦门 | 显示全部楼层
<P>barge in <BR>擅自闯入</P>
<P>★★have respect for<BR>尊重  have respect for others' privacy</P>
<P>★★That's pretty much it<BR>差不多是那样</P>
<P>★★could we change the subject<BR>能不能换个话题</P>
<P>boobies<BR>= breast</P>
<P>Parents divorced before you hit puberty<BR>hit puberty 进入青春期,hit的又一用法</P>
<P>★★how long are you in the city?<BR>准备待几天</P>
<P>★★i figure i'm better off A than B<BR>我想与其B,还是A的好</P>[em02][em04]
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发表于 25-2-2006 12:35:00|来自:福建厦门 | 显示全部楼层
<P>★high-five<BR>give(或 slap)me a high-five:这多半是指运动员把手高举,互相击掌,表示祝贺或喜乐。He always gives me a high-five when I win the game.(我比赛获胜时,他一向为我雀跃。) After the baseball game, high-fives were given all around.(棒球赛後,到处一片欢呼。)(high-fives 用做名词的多数)<BR>至于 give me five(或 gimme five)也是一种击掌的友善表现(a friendly slap of the hands),所不同的,「give me five」是双手平伸而击掌,而「give me a high-five」是高举双手而击掌。例如: <BR>The father said to his little son, "give me five!"(父亲对小儿子说:「来个击掌游戏吧!」) </P>
<P>She just broke up with the guy, it's time for you to swoop in!<BR>swoop in 趁虚而入</P>
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