<div class="msgheader">QUOTE:</div><div class="msgborder"><b>以下是引用<i>mmouse</i>在2006-7-12 22:46:00的发言:</b><br/>Storey 163,<br/><br/>Good questions!!! A number of the death are Singaporean doctors & nurses but yet these Chinese from China claim they are the majority during that period!! I don't believe them at all!!!! None of them are affected during that period. In fact, I have heard that some of them escape!!!!!!<br/></div><p>奇怪!怎么觉得阆M?趕ars期间牺牲的都是中国人才对!在中国也没听说哪个外国医护人员为抢救中国人而牺牲的呀!这没有什么可指责的!国家有难冲在最前面的当然是自己的国民,难不成还要外国人来冲锋陷阵!</p>