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楼主: michael8330

[房产] 【房屋】免费咨询租房/买房/卖房/出租/房款等各种问题

发表于 7-12-2006 21:45:00|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
<p><strong><font face="Verdana" color="#61b713">michael8330好</font></strong>[em24]</p><p>一段时间不见,这贴长得这么壮了,感谢你和各位热心的朋友为大家解答难题</p>[em17]
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发表于 7-12-2006 21:51:00|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
<p>请问大家现在HDB LOAN的利率降了吗?OCBC来信调高我的利率到3.75浮动了,可惜最近太忙,还没选择再次申请配套的方案,请问各家银行最低贷款年限是多少?</p>
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发表于 7-12-2006 22:33:00|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
<p>[em06] 请问大家,我购买一套hdb的组屋,在向hdb呈交otp时,因为卖家没有住满5年,而被hdb拒绝受理。 我向银行贷款的合同已经签了,三个月后就要开始还贷款。我该怎么办,我能向卖家要求赔偿吗?大家有什么好的建议?多谢了!!</p><p>这套房卖家购买已超过5年但因为曾经向hdb申请出租过一段时间,所以要扣除这段时间。</p>
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发表于 8-12-2006 23:52:00|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 michael8330 于 6-1-2010 22:49 编辑

QUOTE: 以下是引用 twenty 在2006-12-7 22:33:00的发言:

请问大家,我购买一套hdb的组屋,在向hdb呈交otp时,因为卖家没有住满5年,而被hdb拒绝受理。 我向银行贷款的合同已经签了,三个月后就要开始还贷款。我该怎么办,我能向卖家要求赔偿吗?大家有什么好的建议?多谢了!!


your case a bit headache.[em06] the bank may charge u 1.5% of penalty fee. it better u check with yr banker ( the sale person handle yr case) .

do u still like the hse ? still have how long more in order to be able to sell ? my understanding is within 6 month , can write in to the bank and ask for extension the seller and seller's agent may have to compersate yr loss.
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发表于 8-12-2006 23:48:00|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
<div class="msgheader">QUOTE:</div><div class="msgborder"><b>以下是引用<i>谦纭</i>在2006-12-7 21:51:00的发言:</b><br/><p>请问大家现在HDB LOAN的利率降了吗?OCBC来信调高我的利率到3.75浮动了,可惜最近太忙,还没选择再次申请配套的方案,请问各家银行最低贷款年限是多少?</p></div><p></p>a lot of banker predict it will go down due to the usa. be patient and lock it when the rate is in favour.
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发表于 9-12-2006 10:44:00|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 michael8330 于 6-1-2010 22:51 编辑

QUOTE: 下是引用 twenty 在2006-12-9 2:23:00的发言:

Michael, 谢谢你的答复。那套房子我还是想买,但是要到明年3月份才可以交易,我可不可以让物主赔偿我这几个月的房租的损失?还有就是,现在这份OTP因为屋主没住够5年就自动失效了,在3月份之前就算再签合约也应该是无效的,那我怎么能保证到了那时候屋主还会卖给我呢,说不定估价一涨,他反而要加钱呢?如果那时他卖给出价更高的人,我还可不可以追究他这一次给我造成的损失呢?

next year march is very fast , only 3 month, it all depend on the owner , if he is gentleman enough, he should just sell u the price u have agree on (maybe sign a letter of understanding, state that u still want to buy the flat at the current price and the deposit will still keep with him , either parties back out from the deal have to pay compersate to either party) irregardless the valuation up or down. get a proper legal advise(check with your lawyer) regards this matter before u take any action. know what is yr legal stand is very important. do not sign anything before u get a proper legal advise.

for loss of rental , it will be diffcult to get from the owner, talk to the seller agent (he do such a cock-up job ,he may not want the company bosses to know) , for the bank wise may be they need addition paperwork (confirm letter to extend ,submit new valuation when the day come the aborted sale for this round etc , check with your own banker )

hope can help u a little bit.
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发表于 9-12-2006 02:23:00|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
Michael, 谢谢你的答复。那套房子我还是想买,但是要到明年3月份才可以交易,我可不可以让物主赔偿我这几个月的房租的损失?还有就是,现在这份OTP因为屋主没住够5年就自动失效了,在3月份之前就算再签合约也应该是无效的,那我怎么能保证到了那时候屋主还会卖给我呢,说不定估价一涨,他反而要加钱呢?如果那时他卖给出价更高的人,我还可不可以追究他这一次给我造成的损失呢?
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发表于 9-12-2006 15:54:00|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
<div class="msgheader">QUOTE:</div><div class="msgborder"><b>以下是引用<i>michael8330</i>在2006-12-8 23:48:00的发言:</b><br/><p></p>a lot of banker predict it will go down due to the usa. be patient and lock it when the rate is in favour.</div><p>非常感谢,我昨天打电话咨询了OCBC,下个星期可能会再联系。但听你这么说,得再观望一阵了。也不知道利率什么时候会再调。 </p><p>DBS的配套似乎目前没有改动。OCBC的续定配套似乎是根据贷款额量身定做的。上次咨询的14万贷额三年配套,6个月0利息,18个月3.66%,最后6个月浮动。和DBS现有的相差无几。 </p><p>本来想填进4万现金的,重新估算发现三年后填现金的计划反而亏几千块,所以选择只缩短贷款年限。再者,如果填太多现金,三年后剩余贷款少于各银行最低额,就会失去其他银行HDB配套的选择权。 </p><p>假设14万贷款10年,每月还1400,我们的CPF有1200,填补cash是200吗?还是用cash还会更贵,超过200?因为听说还现金会高过不足公积金额,所以不确定。</p>[em27][em27]
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发表于 9-12-2006 17:55:00|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
<p>Thank you very mush.[em26]</p><p>我打算申请SC,拿baby花红,减少管理费。预定三年后才换房,为了少花冤枉钱,有必要好好挑选三年配套。买房是小市民最大的投资,任何房贷事项都要慎重呢。[em05]</p><p></p>
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发表于 9-12-2006 17:08:00|来自:新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
<div class="msgheader">QUOTE:</div><div class="msgborder"><b>以下是引用<i>谦纭</i>在2006-12-9 15:54:00的发言:</b><br/><p>假设14万贷款10年,每月还1400,我们的CPF有1200,填补cash是200吗?还是用cash还会更贵,超过200?因为听说还现金会高过不足公积金额,所以不确定。</p>[em27][em27]</div><p>cash or cpf will be the same amount.</p><p>and only the money in OA account is able to use it to service the housing loan.</p>
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